Are You Ready to Have The Time of Your Life: Let's Treasure Hunt

As a child, my Aunt would often take my brother and me to her church’s annual Easter egg hunt. I’d always get excited envisioning myself the winner of the coveted golden egg.
Every year hundreds of parents would bring their loved ones to the church’s courtyard, sit back and watch us scurry off like ants on a mission. Every year, I’d rack up eggs of every color, but gold. I always felt a bit dejected I was deprived the grand prize, although I was quickly distracted by the booty I rightly found. For days, I would stuff my tummy to full contentment with jelly beans, boiled eggs and other treats I found in pursuit of the golden egg.
While my eggs weren’t golden, they were good. They were perfect and quickly replaced my disappointment. I never found the golden egg, but I knew it was nearby. I knew it was within my reach, so I pursued it.  But I also knew it wasn’t go to jump in my arms and magically declare me the winner. I needed to deliberately find its location. 
Our purpose works much like an Easter egg hunt. We know our purpose exists. We’re often in the vicinity, but we have to look. We have to realize that recognizing our purpose is golden and in pursuit of it, we will find much treasure along the way.
What treasure have you uncovered along the way, often in unexpected, seemingly obscure places, situations and circumstances? There is treasure in all of it. Each piece designed to work together for your good in a divinely and uniquely orchestrated way.
You’re in the vicinity. Now, it’s time to start looking.
God wastes nothing.

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